Monday, May 24, 2010

Best Tattoo Designs | Sexy Bikini Tattoo Ideas For Girls

Bikini Tattoo Ideas
Bikini Tattoo Ideas
Bikini Tattoo IdeasSexy Bikini Tattoo Ideas For Girls
If you're a hip chick who's done enough thinking and have finally decided to have a tattoo, you'll want to know what design options you can choose from. The list of design ideas for girls is virtually endless, with tattoo ideas developing every day. If you don't have a definite design in mind, you can first get acquainted with the ones that the tattooed ones before you have gone for.

Most girls prefer to have their tattoos sewn or painted on less exposed or attention-grabbing parts of their body, such as on the back, ankle, or shoulder. Others use tattoos to decorate their chest or bikini area. Girls generally use tattoos only as accent pieces, and not as blatant devices that serve almost as second skin the way most boys' tattoos do. Of course, you can still choose to have your tattoo elsewhere.

To help you decide which tattoo design for girls to pick, you can read up on the history of the tattoo. Many tattoo designs that are popular today actually have a long history, such as the sun, star, moon, flower, butterfly, and dolphin. You will be amazed at what these objects symbolized in the ancient times.

The art of tattooing is believed to have been started by the Egyptians. This art was limited only to girls involved with ritualistic practice and with only dots as designs. With the expansion of the empire, the Egyptians successfully spread the practice of tattooing over Crete, Greece, Persia, Arabia, and Southeast Asia. Most tattoo designs today originated from Egypt. The sun, for example, associated them with their worship of the sun god. Their highly civilized knowledge of and reliance on astronomy also made them partial to celestial images like the moon and stars.

In America, the Hawaiians, back when Hawaii was still part of Polynesia, are believed to have been the first to practice the art. Unlike the Egyptians, tattooing for them served not only ornamentation purposes but as a means to protect their health and well-being. The art was later forced to die by Western conquerors, as tattoos were banned from Christianized communities. Today, however, you can find Hawaiian symbols modified for modern taste, such as the hibiscus flower, sea creatures, and other natural forms.

The Indians of North America are known to have also employed tattoos for distinction. In women, their tattoos indicated marital status and tribal affiliation. Nowadays, you can go with an Indian-inspired theme for your tattoos, with designs such as the feather, birds, bears, fish, and bows and arrows.

Before the turn of the century, Samuel O'Reilly invented the first tattooing machine in 1981, and the art of tattooing has managed to live on. Now there are thousands of designs you can choose from, with spin-offs from earlier designs and numerous modern variations. Although tattoos for girls are characteristically more feminine in nature, with smaller sizes and more delicate patterns, you can opt for ones that will say something about who are, your likes and dislikes, your passions, your roots.

By Ellen Tayana

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