Monday, February 1, 2010

classic dragon design tattoo

This tattoo is one of a classic dragon design. A creature that is almost always portrayed in a way that it is always ready to leap into action and fight for whatever there is to fight for at the moment. No wonder a dragon is considered a sign of strength. Something that is though of as earth, wind, water and fire. And also seen as the four directions on the compass. In short the dragon, from many cultures, has a deep meaning of standing for almost everything in life. In ancient China the dragons were a symbol of imperial power and would often take the side of whatever imperial ruler was in power at that time and supposedly lend those powers to those rulers as well.
While this tattoo is not the best looking dragon tattoo I have ever seen, it is a good one and I think everyone would have to admit that a dragon is nearly as cool as it can possibly get as far as getting a tattoo goes. Nothing looks quite as hot as a dragon tattoo. At least not for me. Though I would prefer one that is whole lot more complex than this one.

Now this here is a very serious body tattoo. Half body tattoo I guess it should be called. A half body of a really great tribal style tattoo. Check it out, look at it closely. This tattoo is done damned near flawlessly. In fact, I cannot find a flaw in it, anywhere. It is certainly one of the very best tribal tattoos I have ever seen and the artist should be commended. Granted, this tattoo looks like it might not even be all one tattoo. It might be a series of interlocked smaller ones, but that matters not. It is still a very difficult thing to accomplish so perfectly.
The man wearing this tattoo is probably a fighter of some sort. He is certainly built for it and these tribal tattoos have become extremely popular to mixed martial arts fighters. And if the idea of this tattoo was intimidation, then it’s working really well for me. Because I sure as hell wouldn’t want to mess with this guy. He’s using this tat as a warning to you so don’t be stupid enough to go testing him. That could be a really bad move on your part.

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