Crown Tattoos
I have always liked the way crown tattoos look like a wedding ring of some sort. This one here with the gold band and the green jewels has been around for a lot of years. It’s just your basic crown and it goes with just about anything and everything. I think a lot of crown tattoos are used for the lower back and the smaller tattoos are used for around the ankles. I really like the way some people use crown tattoos in there art work when designing other type of tattoos. I don’t have any crown tattoos myself, but I would think about getting one like this on my neck. Now I have seen quite a few people get crown tattoos on each of their knuckles. The smaller tattoos in my eyes always look a little better than the really big ones. I saw one guy with a giant crown on his back and it covered his entire back. Just a little to much for this guy. The artwork was great, but it made him look like he thought he was some kind of king. I forgot to ask him if he possibly was some sort of king or prince.
The crown tattoo in the picture is a perfect example of what is possible with this design. It’s a very stunning piece that is done in black and white and is well shaded. Whether we realize it or not, crown symbols are all around us. They are on card decks, poker chips and even certain brands of liquor. But, few of us know much about the symbolism of the crown tattoo. So, let’s take a little look at the history or more aptly, the symbolism of the crown. The crown has long been used as a symbol of royalty and the authority of kings, though more often then not the queens had the power. And these kings and queens believed that their authority to rule was given to them by God. I know it’s a little egocentric but hey, whatever works. As a tattoo symbol, the crown doesn’t just mean the right of one person to command another. It symbolizes an individual’s control or power over their own life, . It’s the ultimate authority over one’s own fate or destiny. The crown tattoo can also symbolize self control and is often used by someone who has beaten some obstacle in their life, such as drug addiction.